日本財団 図書館


(Physical Deficiencies)
Article 71. No member of a flight crew of an aircraft shall, in the event that he becomes physically unfit relative to the medical examination requirements under Article 31, paragraph 3, engage in air transport service, even if his medical certificate issued under Article 33 is still valid.


(Pilot's Obligation for Maintaining Watch)
Article 71-(2). Any person who is piloting an aircraft (or his on-board supervisor where the pilot is undergoing pilot training or instrument flight training) shall, while in flight, maintain a watch so as not to collide with other aircraft or other objects irrespective as to whether he is engaged in a flight in accordance with the instructions issued by the Minister of Transport under the provisions of Article 96, paragraph 1, except under such weather conditions that will not permit him to recognise any objects other than his own aircraft.


(Route Qualification of Pilot-in-Command)
Article 72. No person shall be entitled to act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft used for a scheduled air transport service, unless he has obtained the approval of the Minister of Transport as to the required pilotage experience, knowledge and skill for pilot-in-command specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport for the pertinent route.


2. The Minister of Transport shall examine on a regular basis whether or not any person who has obtained approval under the preceding paragraph maintains the required level of experience, knowledge and skill under the same paragraph.


3. The Minister of Transport shall, whenever he deems it necessary, examine from time to time whether or not any person who has obtained an approval referred to in paragraph 1, possesses the experience, knowledge and skill under the same paragraph.


4. Where any person who has obtained approval under paragraph 1 fails or refuses to undergo an examine under paragraph 2, or fail to pass such an examination under paragraph 2, the aforementioned approval shall become invalid.


5. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply, when any pilot-in- command who is within the scope of limitations provided by the Minister of Transport and acts as a crew member of any aircraft operated by a scheduled air carrier specified under paragraph 1 of Article 102 and so designated by the Minister of Transport upon application (hereinafter referred to as “designated scheduled air carrier”), has been approved by the aforementioned designated scheduled air carrier regarding possession of the required experience, knowledge





